Workshop on Geometric Computing
Nov 12-14, IIT Delhi
The field of geometric
computing is concerned with the design, analysis, and
implementation of algorithms for geometric problems, which arise in a
wide range of areas, including computer graphics, CAD, robotics
computer vision, image processing, spatial databases, GIS, molecular
biology, and sensor networks. Since the mid 1980s, computational
geometry has arisen as an independent field, with its own international
conferences and journals.
In the early years mostly theoretical foundations of geometric
algorithms were laid and fundamental research remains an important
issue in the field. Meanwhile, as the field matured, applications
and implementations of geometric algorithms have also received much
attention. Several software libraries for geometric computation (e.g.
LEDA, CGAL, CORE) have been developed, and there are close connections
between geometric computing and related application fields.
The workshop brings together leading researchers in the field of
geometric computing with diverse backgrounds. The emphasis of the
seminar will be on presenting recent developments in the field as well
as identifying new challenges, and it will cover both theoretical and
practical issues in geometric computing. |
Lars Arge
University of Århus, Denmark
Tetsuo Asano
JAIST, Japan
Otfried Cheong
KAIST, Korea
Tamal Dey
Ohio State University, USA
Sumit Ganguly |
IIT Kanpur |
Sathish Govindarajan |
IISc Bangalore
John Hershberger
Mentor Graphics, USA
Shripad Kale
Geometric Global
Subodh Kumar |
IIT Delhi |
Subhas C. Nandy |
ISI Kolkata |
Vijay Natarajan
IISc Bangalore
Saurabh Ray
Yogish Sabharwal
IBM IRL, Delhi
Raimund Seidel
University of Saarlandes,
Subhash Suri
University of California
Santa Barbara, USA
Chee Yap
New York University, USA
101, Bharti
Building, IIT Delhi. Here is a
Who should attend
The workshop in
meant for graduate students/researchers working in the area of
Here is the tentative program and the abstracts of talks
There is no registration fee for the workshop. Please register
here before October 31.