Description: This is the course on Analysis and Design of Algorithms taught during Semester-I-2019-20 at IIT Delhi. The (tentative) topics that will be covered in the course are graph algorithms, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, network flow, and computational intractability. Here (PDF) is a short description.

Lecture and discussion:
Instructor Ragesh Jaiswal
Lecture time Tu, W, F 10:00-10:50
Tutorial time M, Th, F 1:00-1:50

- Algorithms by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, and Vazirani.
- Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos.

Grading: The grading information is given in the table below.
Grading component # % per unit Total weight
Homework 5 5% 20%
(Best 4 out of 5)
Quiz 5 5% 20%
(Best 4 out of 5)
Minor 1 20% 20%
Final 1 35% 35%
Comprehension quiz See below See below 5%
Comprehension quizzes are ungraded quizzes conducted through Moodle that students are supposed to take for better understanding of the material. Students are supposed to complete at least 80% of these comprehension quizzes.