Graphics pipeline; Graphics hardware: Display devices, input devices; Raster Graphics; line and circle drawing algorithms; Windowing and 2D/3D clipping. Cohen and Sutherland line clipping, Cyrus Beck clipping method; 2D and 3D Geometrical Transformations: scaling, translation, rotation, reflection; Viewing Transformations: parallel and perspective projection; Curves and Surfaces: cubic splines, Bezier curves, B-splines, Parametric surfaces. Surface of revolution Sweep surfaces, Fractal curves and surfaces; Hiddenline/surface removal methods; illuminations model; shading: Gouraud, Phong; Introduction to Ray-tracing; Animation; Programming practices with standard graphics libraries like openGL.
Tentative Course Schedule: :
Academic Integrity Code
Academic honesty is required in all work you submit to be graded.
You must solve all programming assignments entirely on your own,
except where group work is explicitly authorised. This means you
must protect your code solutions, and work so that others cannot
access them. This also means that you may not use any fragment
of code obtained online, except when these are explcitly authorised
as a part of the course. When you do this such code must be clearly
identified with due credit to the source.
Falsifying program output or results is dishonest. Please see your
professor if there are any questions about what is permissible.
Students who are caught cheating will incur a letter grade penalty
in addition to getting a 0 in that assignment/test. Second instance
will lead to summary failure. Cheating cases will also be reported to
their departments and their parents.
Grading Policy
- Completion of assignments is required. Attendance is required in live lectures.
- Late submission of assignments 1, 2, and 3 and term paper is allowed up to a total of 4 days across assignments. No late submission beyond that.
- AUDIT PASS: 20% mark in each assignment, exam, and quizes. Plus, a total of 40%.
(Updated on 15 Feb: If the total marks obtained on the four programming assignments is 40%, the requirement to obtain 20% in each individual assignment will be waived.)
Assignments & Grading
Work | Points | Tentative Schedule
| Assignment 1 | 10 | Due Feb 20, 11pm.
Assignment 2 | 10 | Due Mar 9, 11pm.
Assignment 3 | 10 | Due April 4, 11pm.
Assignment 4 | 15 | Due May 7, 11pm.
Class Participation | 8 | Regular quizes
Written assignment | 7 | Term paper in April
Minor Exam | 15 |
Major written Exam (+Viva) | 25 |
Recommended Text
John F Hughes;Andries Van Dam;Morgan McGuire;David F Sklar;James D Foley;Steven K Feiner;Kurt Akeley
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 3e,
Hearn D. and P. Baker,
Computer Graphics, C Version,
Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-530924-7.
P. Shirley and S. Marschner,
Computer Graphics,
A.K.Peters (Cengage Learning)
Dave Shreiner; Graham Sellers; John Kessenich; Bill Licea-Kane,
OpenGL Programming Guide 8e,
Further Reading
Blinn J.,
A Trip Down the Graphics Pipeline. Jim Blinn's Corner,
Morgan Kaufmann.
Foley, J.D., A. van Dam, S. Feiner, and J. Hughes,
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice,
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-12110-7.
Graphics Gems
I-V, AP Professional.
Bretscher, O.,
Linear Algebra with Applications 2e
Prentice Hall.
Reading Material