Coordinator: |
Subodh Kumar |
E-mail: |
subodh @ cse. appended with i i t d . a c . i n
Office: | Bharti 422 |
Office hours: | M 11-12, W 3-4, or by
appointment (send mail) |
Here is a detailed list of topics
- Week 01: Overview, Graphics Hardware
- Week 02: Modeling
- Week 03: Subdivision Surfaces,
- Week 04: Tessellation/LOD
- Week 05: Animation
- Week 06: Animation
- Week 07: Visibility Computation
- Week 08: Visibility Computation
- Week 09: Surface Parameterization
- Week 10: Texture Generation
- Week 11: Global illumination
- Week 12: Volume visualization
- Week 13: Image based rendering
- Week 14: Filler
Assignments & Grading
Work | Points | Schedule
| Assignment 1 | 12 | Due Jan 21, 7am.
Assignment 2 | 13 | Due Feb 21, 7am.
Project | 25 | Due Apr 29, 7am.
Class Participation | 10 |
Minors | 15 |
Final Exam | 25 |
Reference Material
Peter Shirley,
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 2009,
A. K. Peters
Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines, and Naty Hoffman,
Real-Time Rendering, 2008,
A.K. Peters.
Henrik Wann Jensen,
Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping , 2001,
A.K. Peters.
Watt A. and M. Watt,
Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques Theory and Practice, 1994,
Foley, J.D., A. van Dam, S. Feiner, and J. Hughes,
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice,
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-12110-7.
Neider, J., T. Davis, and M. Woo,
OpenGL Programming Guide,
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63274-8.
Blinn J.,
A Trip Down the Graphics Pipeline. Jim Blinn's Corner,
Morgan Kaufmann.
Luebke D., M. Reddy, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, B. Watson, R. Huebner,
Level of Detail for 3D Graphics, 2003,
Ebert D., F. Musgrave, D. Peachey, K. Perlin and S. Worley,
Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach 2e
AP Professional.
Parent, R.,
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques
Morgan Kaufmann.
Hoffman, C.
Geometric and Solide Modeling
Morgan Kaufmann.
Graphics Gems
I-V, AP Professional.
Bretscher, O.,
Linear Algebra with Applications 2e
Prentice Hall.
Reading Material
- OpenGL supplement
to Hearn and Baker
OpenGL Specification
- GLUT is a multi-OS windowing system.
- OpenGL Example code
Week |
Topic |
Reading Material |
1: Sep 10
Overview: Devices, Hardware etc.
HB Ch 1, Appendix.
FVFD 1,4,8, Appendix.
2: Sep 17 |
OpenGL tutorial
| OpenGL Programming Guide |
3: Sep 24 |
Linear algebra Tutorial
Modeling and Transformation
HB Ch 7, 11, 12. (2D versions in Ch 5 and 6).
Lightly read Ch 10.
FVFD Ch 5, 6, 7(pp 285-307)
Lightly read Ch 11,12.
(Skip sections on clipping for now)
4: Oct 1 |
Transformations and Viewing
In class Quiz on Oct 1
Continued from previous week
5: Oct 8 |
Color and Light
HB Ch 15, 14.
FVFD Ch 13, Ch 16.1, 16.2.
6: Oct 15 |
Oct 15 is Fall Break
Illumination Models (contd)
7: Oct 22 |
Mid-term exam Oct 24
HB Ch 6 (sec 5-8), Ch 12 (sec 5), Ch 13.
FVFD Ch 3 (sec 11-14),
Ch 6 (sec 5.4 and 5.5), Ch 15.
8: Oct 29 |
2D Rasterization.
HB Ch 3: pp 84-109,114-126.
FVFD Ch 3: pp 67-99.
9: Nov 5 |
10: Nov 12 |
HB Ch 3: pp 171-180.
FVFD Ch 3: pp 132-140, Ch 16: pp 617-646.
11: Nov 19 |
Anti-aliasing. Filtering.
We need more aliasing..,
Return of the Jaggy
(by Jim Blinn) in IEEE CG&A 9(1,2).
12: Nov 26 |
Shadows, Transparency.
HB Ch 14.
FVFD Ch 16.4, 16.5.
13: Dec 3 |
Textures, Bump maps etc.
HB Ch 14.
FVFD Ch 16.3, Ch 17.4.3.
14: Dec 10 |
Graphics Architecture
(Excerpts from) FVFD Ch 18.
Dec 15 |
Final Exam 2pm-5pm in class (Shaf 304)