Tejas: The Efficient Java based Architectural Simulator!

Tutorial in Micro-49
Saturday, October 15, 2016, Morning Session

This tutorial will introduce Tejas, an open-source architectural simulator developed in the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

What sets Tejas apart:
  • Speed: The fastest open-source (Apache v2 license), cycle accurate simulator (800+ users worldwide)
  • Accuracy: Validated against real hardware (Intel core i7) -- average error of 11.45% when simulating serial benchmarks, and 18.77% when simulating parallel ones (Splash2 and Parsec )   (other simulators have far higher errors)
  • Ease of Programming:  
    • Written in Java: no explicit memory management, no memory leaks, no illegal memory accesses
    • Sleek and elegant design with a mere 32k lines of code (competitors vary between 108k-170k lines)
    • Access to Java's superior library support: parallel programming, collectives, atomics, XML
    • Efficient, modular design (very easy to learn)
  • Portability: The only simulator that can be easily deployed on clouds, as it is developed using Java
    • Runs on Windows, MacOSX, and Linux
    • Write once, run anywhere
      • with traces (portable across all platforms that run Java)
      •  with Intel PIN (limited to Windows, Linux, MacOSX)
  • Extensive Functionality: Simulates all components of a modern multi-core processor: non-uniform caches, out-of-order pipelines, complex on-chip networks, cache coherence, synchronization, relaxed memory models
    • GPU simulation: NVIDI TESLA and later
    • Simulates Java byte code also (with the Jikes RVM)
    • Full system simulation (OS + hypervisor)
    • Built in DRAM simulator (fully verified against DRAM Sim 2)
  • Parallel mode
    • 10X speedup with a system with 32 threads

New: Tutorial Slides

The organizers are:

Dr. Smruti R. Sarangi and Prathmesh Kallurkar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

Please visit the Tejas page to freely download Tejas.