  • 13-15 March 2019: Akashdeep Bansal will be presenting a talk at CSUN AT Conference 2019 on RAVI Project.
  • 25-27 October 2018: Akashdeep Bansal presented a talk at EMPOWER 2018 on RAVI Project.
  • 19 September 2018: Last week we had another workshop at CIET, NCERT of our workshop series to convert NCERT eBooks into accessible format. In this, we converted 25 more books from grades 6th to 10th made EPUB and Print ready. Thanks to our collaborators CIET Team, Saksham and Smart Solutions.
  • 24 August 2018: Announcement | EMPOWER 2018 | An Assistive Technology Conference at IIT Delhi | Oct 25-27, 2018 | More @ http://assistech.iitd.ernet.in/empower2018/
  • 16 August 2018: Job opening | full-time | Walk-in: September 4, 2018 at IIT Delhi Click here for advertisement
  • 10 August 2018: As a first-step towards improving reading accessibility of textbooks, over 120 NCERT Hindi books converted from font encoding to Unicode @ CIET, NCERT in association with Saksham and Smart Solutions.
  • 27 July 2018: As a first-step towards improving reading accessibility of textbooks, over 120 NCERT Hindi books converted from font encoding to Unicode @ CIET, NCERT in association with Saksham and Smart Solutions.
  • 26 April 2018: InDesign Scripts for Conversion from WalkmanChanakya, Devlys/KrutiDev, Chanakya, Shree Fonts to Unicode released on GitHub
  • 21 April 2018: RAVI projects presented during Open House of IIT Delhi 2018
  • 28-February-2018: 'Template based Approach for Augmenting Image Descriptions' paper selected in ICCHP 2018.

RAVI : Reading Assistant for Visually Impaired


As technology creates more and more digital data, accessing, analyzing and interpreting this data in various forms has been a major challenge for visually impaired. Volume, cost and effort involved in printing Braille or creating accessible tactile diagrams rules them out except for relatively static content like text books. Though audio using various screen readers have made digital text easily accessible, but they still face significant challenges if they need to access text mixed with mathematical equations, figures and tables. Absence of documents in formats compatible to screen readers create even accessing text in many regional languages a major challenge. Reading Assistant for Visually Impaired (RAVI) focus on making textbooks accessible to readers. We work for eBook accessibility, diagram accessibility, mathematics accessibility as well as accessibility of material in Indian Languages using latest techniques and technologies.


Template based Approach for Augmenting Image Descriptions

Akshansh Chahal, Manshul Belani, Akashdeep Bansal, Neha Jadhav, and Prof. M. Balakrishnan
16th International Conference on Computers Helping Persons with Special Needs (Link)

Abstract: With the increasing focus on digital learning, it has become extremely important that digital content is available with ease. However, a lot of this digital content is not generated keeping Universal Access in mind. Most of such content available is either completely inaccessible or only partially accessible to the print disabled people.

Abstract: With the increasing focus on digital learning, it has become extremely important that digital content is available with ease. However, a lot of this digital content is not generated keeping Universal Access in mind. Most of such content available is either completely inaccessible or only partially accessible to the print disabled people.One of the major gaps in accessibility of digital content, especially electronic books is the lack of alternative texts for diagrams and ineffective descriptions in cases they are present. The paper discusses the design of a template, which can help in augmenting descriptions for textbook diagrams. The template consists of various components, which are populated using the information present in the diagram or from the text surrounding the diagram in the textbook. This template provides means for generation of comprehensible diagram descriptions, which not only help the user to visualize the diagram but also create a mental model of the layout of the diagram. Observations made during the user study validate the effectiveness of these augmented descriptions.