
Jamshid Bagherzadeh Mohasefi

Research student

Computer Science Deptt. , IIT Delhi

Email: jamshid@cse.iitd.ernet.in


Personal Information  

Course Work in PhD (IITD) 
Agent Community
General Links 
Links related to Iran
Links related to India
Logic community

Personal Information

         Diploma: Mathematics , 1990  , Urmia , Iran 

         Bachelor of Engg. : Computer Eng. , Sharif Univ. of Technology , Tehran , Iran 

         Master of Engg. : Computer Eng. , Tarbiat Modares Univ. , Tehran , Iran

         Currently PhD student at: Computer Engg department, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), Delhi, India

Photo Album
Course work in PhD: The courses which I passed during my PhD are

        Special topics in Concurrency: Instructur Dr. Astrid Kiehn  
        Compilers : Instructor Dr. Sanjiva Prasad
        Special topics in AI(Machine Learning) : Instructor Dr.  Bhatnagar 

        Special topics in Theoretical Computer Science (Number Theory): Instructor Dr. S. Arun-Kumar 

        Communication Skills


In the general term, I am working on the multiagent systems specifically semantics and verification of multiagent systems and agent communication languages under the supervision of Dr. S. Arun-Kumar. In doing so I am working in the logical representation of mental attitudes (like belief, intention, ...) using modal logics and temporal logics. Here is a list of papers:

1. Jamshid B. Mohasefi & S. Arun-Kumar: Flexible Communication of Agents based on FIPA-ACL.

2. Jamshid B. Mohasefi & S. Arun-Kumar: Layered Clausal Rersolution in the Multi-modal Logic of Beliefs and Goals

3. Jamshid B. Mohasefi & S. Arun-Kumar: A multi-agent Framework based on Communication and Concurrency,

  • Proceeding of the 6th Internation Workshop on Distributed Computing (IWDC 2004), Kolkata, India, 2004.
  • LNCS 3326, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
  • Paper (PDF).

4. Jamshid B. Mohasefi & S. Arun-Kumar: Semantics and Verification of Agent communication languages,

  • IRISS04 (Inter research students seminar) in I.I.T. Bombay, March 2003.

5. Jamshid B. Mohasefi: Information Technology in India (Persian).

  • Paper (PDF), Nameh Elmi Hend, Vol 7-8, 2003, New Delhi, India

Agent Community

 Related addresses:

 Home pages of some experts in the agent based systems:

Modal and Temporal Logic Community

 Related addresses:

 Home pages of experts:

Links to Iran

          Iran news: Iranian new agency (Irna)          Iran TV's (IRIB)           Gooya News  

          Sport newspapers (Persian): Sports (Abrar Varzeshi)      Hamshahri

          Others: Urmia city (Orumieh)        Iranian sientific representative in India    

General Links:

          Scientific search engines:    Siencedirect      IEEE    Springer Verlag    Google      

          General search engines:  Yahoo      Alta Vista