Software, Demos and Data
Open Information Extraction
- Sprout: A software tool to aid requesters in improving the task design. (relevant paper)
- Octopus: A software optimizing the
cost-quality-completion time tradeoff for a crowdsourcing task. (relevant paper)
- Re-Active
Learning: A software for active learning with relabeling to train ML
classifiers over crowdsourced platforms. (relevant papers 1, 2)
- High Skew ML: A software for active learning for high-skew
domains for training ML classifiers over crowdsourced platforms.
(relevant paper)
- Guru: A software to optimize testing
of workers for a crowdsourcing task. (relevant paper)
- Juggler: A software for task routing of multiple tasks
to multiple workers simultaneously. (relevant
- Deluge: A software for control of multi-label classification
tasks. (relevant
Inference in NLP
NLP over Twitter
Multi-Document Summarization
- GFlow:
A software and demo for summarizing a cluster of related news articles.
(relevant paper)
- Summa:
A demo for hierarchically summarizing a large cluster of related news
(relevant paper)
Probabilistic Planning
An extension of ASAP-UCT for solving large finite-horizon MDPs using state-action pair
abstractions. (relevant paper)
A software for solving large finite-horizon MDPs using state-action pair
abstractions. (relevant paper)
- Glutton:
A software for solving large finite-horizon MDPs with high branching factors
(relevant paper)
- Gourmand:
An improvement over Glutton -- a software for solving large finite-horizon
MDPs with high branching factors
(relevant paper)
- ReTrASE: A probabilistic planner to solve large goal-oriented MDPs.
The solver is available on request.
(relevant paper)
- CoMDP Solver:
A concurrent MDP solver to solve planning under uncertainty problems that
require executing more than one action at a time step.
(relevant paper)
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Computer Vision
Machine Translation
- PanDictionary: A massively multilingual dictionary of words and
phrases with over 1,000 languages. The dictionary is available on request.
(relevant paper)