Rahul Narain

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Office: Bharti IIA-517
Phone: 011-2659-7386
Email: narain@cse.iitd.ac.in

My research interests lie in computer graphics and animation, particularly focusing on efficient numerical techniques for simulation of cloth, elastic solids, and fluids in physics-based animation.

Previously, I spent three years as an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota. Before that, I was a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley under Prof. James O’Brien, and earned a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill advised by Prof. Ming Lin.

Note: I am actively looking for PhD and MS(R) students to work with me. Applicants should have strong mathematical and programming skills and be enthusiastic about working on computer graphics algorithms. If you are interested, please apply through the IIT Delhi PG admissions process, specifying computer graphics among your research interests and listing me as a potential supervisor.

I am not offering summer internships.

Recent Publications

Jean Jouve, Victor Romero, Rahul Narain, Laurence Boissieux, Theodore Kim, and Florence Bertails-Descoubes.
Modelling a feather as a strongly anisotropic elastic shell”.
Proc. SIGGRAPH 2024.

Sumaiya Dabeer, Amitabha Bagchi, and Rahul Narain.
“GPU-LSolve: An Efficient GPU-based Laplacian Solver for Million-scale Graphs”.
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Parallel / Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization (PDCO) 2024.

Shubh Maheshwari, Rahul Narain, and Ramya Hebbalaguppe.
Transfer4D: A framework for frugal motion capture and deformation transfer”.
Proc. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023.

Matthew Overby, Danny Kaufman, and Rahul Narain.
Globally Injective Geometry Optimization with Non-Injective Steps”.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. SGP), 2021.

George Brown and Rahul Narain.
WRAPD: Weighted Rotation-aware ADMM for Parameterization and Deformation”.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2021.

Georg Sperl, Rahul Narain, and Chris Wojtan.
Mechanics-Aware Deformation of Yarn Pattern Geometry”.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2021.




Current semester: COL781: Computer Graphics

Previous semesters:

Code and Resources

An adaptive cloth simulator with implicit frictional contact, combining So-bogus and a modified version of ArcSim (see below).

Source code for our SCA 2016 and TVCG 2017 papers on fast optimization-based simulation of hyperelastic materials.

A cloth simulator with adaptive anisotropic remeshing, robust optimization-based strain limiting, and data-driven elastic models for cloth.
Note: Consider using our more recent simulator Argus (see above), which features an accurate frictional contact solver and improvements to the remeshing scheme.

Berkeley Garment Library
A collection of geometric models of garments intended for use in cloth simulation.

Sand Simulator 2010
Source code for our SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 paper, “Free-Flowing Granular Materials with Two-Way Solid Coupling”.

An Eclipse plug-in for programming in Standard ML. Now maintained by Andrius Velykis.