Parag Kumar Chaudhuri
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai - 400076,
India. |
Phone: +91 22 2576 7719
| Academic Background |
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
- Assistant Professor, 2009 - present.
MIRALab, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant, 2006 - 2008.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India.
- Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2001 - 2006.
- Dissertation Title: "A Framework for View-Dependent Character Animation
- Advisers: Prof. Prem Kalra and Prof. Subhashis Banerjee, IIT Delhi
- CGPA: 9.05 / 10.0
Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, India.
- B.E. in Civil Engineering, 1996 - 2000.
- Aggregate Percentage - 87.61%
| Publications |
- View-Dependent Character Animation
Parag Chaudhuri, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee
Springer 2007, ISBN: 978-1-84628-591-2.
- Fast EMG-data Driven Skin Deformation
Mustafa Kasap, Parag Chaudhuri and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA) 2009, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
To be published in Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2009.
- Making Them Remember - Emotional Virtual Characters with Memory
Zerrin Kasap, Maher Ben Moussa, Parag Chaudhuri and Nadia Magenat-Thalmann
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Special Issue on Serious Games, 29(2):20-29, 2009.
- Self Adaptive Animation based on User Perspective
Parag Chaudhuri, George Papagiannakis and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
The Visual Computer, 24(7-9), 2008, (Special issue of selected papers from CGI 2008).
- Reusing View-Dependent Animation
Parag Chaudhuri, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee
The Visual Computer, 23(9-11), pp. 707-719, September, 2007, (Special issue of Selected papers from CGI 2007).
- A System for View-Dependent Animation
Parag Chaudhuri, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee
Computer Graphics Forum, 23(3), pp. 411-420,
Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS 2004, September 2004, Grenoble, France.
- A Measure for Mesh Compression of Time-Variant Geometry
Prasun Mathur, Chhavi Upadhyay, Parag Chaudhuri and Prem Kalra
Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA) 2004, Geneva, Switzerland.
Published in Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, (Special
Issue: The Very Best Papers from CASA 2004), 15(3-4), pp. 289-296, June 2004.
Refereed Conferences
- Camera-based Gaze Control for Virtual Characters
Parag Chaudhuri, George Papagiannakis and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, (ENACTIVE) 2007, pp. 53-60, November 2007, Grenoble, France.
- Stylistic Reuse of View-Dependent Animations
Parag Chaudhuri, Ashwani Jindal, Prem Kalra and Subhashis Banerjee
Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 2004, pp. 95-100, December 2004, Kolkata, India.
- An Efficient Central Path Algorithm for Virtual Navigation
Parag Chaudhuri, Rohit Khandekar, Deepak Sethi and Prem Kalra
Proceedings of Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2004, pp. 188-195, June 2004, Crete, Greece.
Book Articles and Tutorials
- Applications of Interactive Virtual Humans in Mobile Augmented Reality
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, George Papagiannakis and Parag Chaudhuri
Encyclopaedia of Multimedia, Borko Furht (ed.), Second Edition, Springer, ISBN: 978-0-387-74724-8, 2008.
- Animation of Interactive Virtual Humans
Tutorial on Real-time Virtual Humans, with Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann and Daniel Thalmann, CGI 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
| Honours and Awards |
- Outstanding PhD Award 2006, IBM India Research Lab
- Best Presentation Award, Annual Inter Research Institute
Student Seminar in Computer Science (IRISS) 2005, Indian
Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
- Gold Medal, Department Topper, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Delhi.
- Gold Medal, B.E. (1996 - 2000), Delhi College of Engineering.
- Gold Medal, Department Topper, Department of Civil Engineering,
Delhi College of Engineering.
- All India Rank - 98, Percentile Score - 98.18, Graduate
Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2000.
- All India Rank - 42, Percentile Score - 94.80, Combined
Entrance Examination for Design
(CEED) 2000.
- Scholarship in Painting, Cultural Talent Search Scholarship
Scheme, Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, Government
of India.
| Professional Experience |
MIRALab, University of Geneva |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant |
Geneva, Switzerland |
November 2006 - December 2008 |
Research on real time character animation for Virtual and Augmented
Reality. Deputy manager for European projects on behalf of
Prof. Magnenat-Thalmann. Co-author of several new European and Swiss
project proposals, contributing to scientific ideas and financial
Dept. of Computer Science & Engg., IIT Delhi |
Project Associate |
New Delhi, India |
January 2006 - October 2006 |
Project Associate for a project on developing an image based modelling
and rendering system.
Dept. of Computer Science & Engg., IIT Delhi |
Teaching Assistant |
New Delhi, India |
January 2001 - December 2005 |
Teaching assistant for the following courses - Introduction to
Computers and Programming, Operating Systems, Digital Image Analysis
and Processing, Computer Graphics, Advanced Computer
Graphics. Designed and evaluated course assignments.
Risk Management Software India Pvt. Ltd. |
Engineer |
Noida, U.P., India |
July 2000 - December 2000 |
Development and verification of a Hurricane Wind Model for the Florida
coastal area, in the USA, including mathematical modelling of tropical
cyclonic windstorms and structural risk assessment.
| Professional Activities |
- Editorial Assistant of The Visual Computer
- Assisted in managing paper submissions, assigning reviewers, preliminary review of papers, decision-making about the papers.
- Member of International Programme Committee and Reviewer
- Programme Committee member for CGI 2008, Session Chair for CGI 2007.
- Primary reviewer: The Visual Computer, Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, CGI 2008, Enactive 2007, ICVGIP 2006.
- Selected secondary and tertiary reviewer responsibilities: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, International Journal of Image and Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, SIGGRAPH 2008, Eurographics 2008, SMI 2008, IEEE VR 2008, SCA 2008 & 2007, CASA 2008, ICCV 2007, ACCV 2007, 3DPVT 2008, MMM 2009 & 2007.
- Independent reviewer: Vienna Science and Technology Fund
- Contribution to International Research Projects and Proposals
- ENACTIVE (Enactive Interfaces Network of Excellence): Deputy project manager for MIRALab, scientific contributor. Project Page:
- CATCH (Swiss Virtual Campus): Scientific Contributor for developing lecture notes and slides on body animation.
- EU FP7 and FNRS Project proposals : Helped with submission of multiple proposals to Call 1,2 and 3 of EU Seventh Framework programme for Research (FP7) and for the Swiss National Science Foundation.
- Organization of ICVGIP 2006
- Setup of conference website, responsible for conference submission system and paper database, assisted in complete paper review process.
| Other Selected Projects |
- RADical - A Radiosity Renderer
- PCTrace - A Distributed Ray Tracer
- Volume Visualization on the GPU
- Digital Image Watermarking