Parallel Programming
Subodh Kumar <subodh@cse.*> |
With the growing number of cores on a chip, programming them efficiently has become an indispensable knowledge for the future. Modern Parallel Programming is a hands-on course involving significant parallel programming on compute-clusters, multi-core CPUs and massive-core GPUs.
This course will cover a fair bit of theory so the fundamentals are established, as well as a broad set of system level issues in programming modern systems correctly and efficiently. A good background in C/C++ is expected. You will also learn OpenMP, MPI, Cuda, and more.
Contents: Parallel performance metrics, Models of parallel computation, Parallel computer organization, Parallel programming environments, Load distribution, Throughput, Latency and Latency hiding, Memory and Data Organizations, Inter-process communication, Distributed memory architecture, Interconnection network and routing, Shared memory architecture, Memory consistency, Non-uniform memory, Parallel Algorithm techniques: Searching, Sorting, Prefix operations, Pointer Jumping, Divide-and-Conquer, Partitioning, Pipelining, Accelerated Cascading, Symmetry Breaking, Synchronization (Locked/Lock-free).
This means you must protect your code from access by others. Do not leave it where others can find it. Do not give it to someone for submission on your behalf. Do not use any fragment of code obtained online or from someone else, except what is explicitly authorised as a part of the course. When authorised, any non-original code that you do use must be clearly identified with due reference to the source. Falsifying program output or results is cheating also.
Academic honesty also means not accepting dishonesty from others.
When it doubt, please ask your professor.
Students who are caught cheating will be given a 0 and a letter grade
penalty. Second violation will result in summary failure from the course.
Work | Points | Tentative Schedule |
Assignment 1 | 10 | Due Aug 26, 1159p. |
Assignment 2 | 10 | Due Oct 2, 1159p. |
Assignment 3 | 10 | Due Nov 1, 1159p. |
Assignment 4 | 10 | Due Dec 1, 1159p. |
Quizzes and discussion | 10 | |
Minor | 20 | |
Major | 30 |
Late Policy: A total of five days of late submission is allowed across the first three assignments. Use them when you need them. Beyond these days, you lose 0.5 marks per day of delay.
Attendance Policy: 100% participation is required. Intimation is required for any absence.
Audit Policy: At least 40% in total AND At least 30% each in exams, assignment and quizzes. 100% participation.
An Introduction to Parallel Programming by Subodh Kumar Introduction to Parallel Computing by Ananth Grama, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar, and Anshul Gupta Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP by M J Quinn Programming Massively Parallel Processors by D. Kirk and W. Hwu