Computer Vision

This is the course page for the computer vision course, for the Semester I, 2014-2015, being taught by Subhashis Banerjee at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT, New Delhi.

General Information
Books, Papers and other Documentation
Vision Sites

General Information

This course is being floated as CSL840: Computer Vision. Classes will be held in IIA 501 (CSE Seminar room). Current class timings are
  • Tuesday, 10:00-11:30
  • Friday, 10:00-11:30

Our mailing list:


  1. Minor I (PDF) (also contains Assignment I.)
  2. Major take-home part (PDF) (last date of submission: May 8, 11:59:59)

Books, Papers and other Documentation

  1. General reading
  2. suban's notes

  3. Papers discussed in class (electronic copies can be downloaded only from within IITD)
  4. Some more papers discussed in the class.


  • MATLAB: the high-performance language for technical computing. We have the compilers, plus toolboxes for image processing,optimization, signal processing, simulink, state flow, wavelets, and control.

Vision Sites

Subhashis Banerjee / Dept. Computer Science and Engineering / IIT Delhi / Hauz Khas/ New Delhi 110016 /